Productivity issue?

Firms with Below-Average Productivity Employ 70% of UK Workers

The majority of UK firms report below-average productivity; a recurring theme is that where leadership invests in capital and skills, productivity increases. The teams built and developed using tried and tested good management practices are more successful when compared to teams that have a dysfunctional leadership team and do not have a vision for their talent and skills strategy.

Top growing organisations, invest 2.6 times more than low growers in intangibles, such as people investments, and firms that prioritise people and performance return a ROIC of 28% compared to typical performers at 6%; they also report a lower employee attrition rate of 5%.

To get the best from your people management practices;-

  1. focus on ensuring employees receive an adequate total compensation (note adequate, not necessarily the highest),

  2. provide people with meaningful work,

  3. offer workplace flexibility,

  4. provide career development and advancement,

  5. and a safe and non-toxic workplace environment.

We can support you to create your vision and implement the changes that will support your productivity improvement and growth.

We can hire new talent, create succession and individual development plans, provide executive coaching and mentor HR teams, and help organise team structures. We also offer negotiation workshops for all levels.


One Small Step